BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About work areas > Viewing a work area workflow

Viewing a work area workflow

The current status of a work area indicates where the documents contained in the work area are within the overall process that the work area represents. The status also determines what the next possible actions are for all of the documents contained in the work area, if any. If a work area has reached an end state in its workflow, no further routing is possible and the work area is inactive.

A work area’s workflow can be edited after it has been created in order to adapt the work area to different business requirements.

To view the workflow of an active work area:

  1. Open the work area. Its current status is indicated by the State property on the General tab. The status is also indicated by the name of the button at the right end of the context bar.
  2. Click the States tab to view the workflow diagram of the current work area. The current state is outlined in red.


  1. In the Main area, select Work Areas from the Vault menu. The Work Areas dialog box appears.
  2. The status of each work area is indicated in the State column.
  1. Select the work area that you want to view and click the Properties button . The Properties dialog box appears.
  2. Click the States tab to view the workflow diagram of the current work area. The current state is outlined in red.

Related concepts

About work areas

Related tasks

Creating a work area

Opening a work area

Assigning a document to a work area

Releasing a document from a work area

Routing a work area

Editing a work area workflow

Editing a work area workflow state

Editing a work area workflow transition

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